Our world is filled with smoke and mirrors, but you'd be surprised how much of it seems to make Scotland a proverbial moorland of doublethink and outright lying. I thought I'd round up all the fine double standards of the Unionist bloc I have seen in the past few days alone.
This Thursday Michael Kelly decided that protests are a waste of time for everyone. I'm sure many fundamental human rights such as free thought are a waste of time to Michael. Obviously Michael had decided that the public had forgotten, or he himself had forgotten his own party's stance on the Orange Order.
This Friday Anas Sarwar has outright demanded that the Scottish Celebrations for the Olympic Homecoming should encompass all Olympic Athletes, not just Scottish ones. He seems to be under the impression Scottish people celebrating Scottish things is politically motivated. This is despite the fact that the Labour Council did the exact same Scottish Olympic celebrations during the Beijing Olympics, and Labour in Wales are doing a Welsh homecoming. Is this a case of Anas Sarwar thinking we forgot, or him forgetting himself?
Today, Saturday, the TwitSphere is abuzz with Tony Benn's archaic look on Nationality. Apparently it is fine to be Scottish within the British Isles if you are under the heel of Westminster, but you can't call yourself British and be from the British Isles if you use a different mode of Government to the status-quo.
I look forward to Sunday.
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